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Install from Sources

Learn how to build sources to start your own Right Consent server locally. This guide covers:

  • Starting needed docker components (auth, smtp)
  • Getting the latest sources
  • Building components from source
  • Starting built components
  • Accessing the back office


To complete this guide you need:

  • Roughly 20 minutes
  • Git
  • Java 11
  • Docker
  • Maven >= 3.8.4;
  • NodeJS >= 12.20.0;
  • npm >= 6.14.8;


In this guide you will learn how to install needed external components (Keycloak, MailDev) and to compile and run Right Consents backend and frontend.

Full Install Guide - Overview

This guide also covers some basic aspects of configuration for the backend.


Keycloak is a ready to run Identification Provider (IdP) compatible with OIDC protocol and wel integrated in Quarkus (Backend Framework).
Unless needed, use keycloak in a dedicated container with either a named volume or (as below) a mapped folder to allow data persistence when the container is redeployed.

$ wget
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin -e KEYCLOAK_IMPORT=/tmp/right-consents.json -v keycloak-data:/opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/data --mount type=bind,source=$PWD/right-consents.json,target=/tmp/right-consents.json jboss/keycloak:11.0.3

To delete keycloak data, stop the container then run docker volume rm keycloak-data.

If you want to use a local instance instead of the docker one you can visit keycloak website for details.

Mail Dev

Outgoing SMTP Service is also an external tool used to avoid any SMTP configuration, it is based on MailDev. A dedicated web interface that allows to consult outgoing emails, and email will be also routed to any external SMTP relay if you configure the relay (check upstream) for documentation).

$ docker run -p 1080:80 -p 1025:25 maildev/maildev

You can also replace this component by any existing outgoing SMTP server by changing configuration, or even a postifx local install if you are the kind of person running a local SMTP server on your computer.


Backend service is developed in Java using Quarkus. It exposes a REST API that is accessed from other services. It also integrates configuration elements for working with keycloak.

In order to run the backend, you need to clone the github repository and to compile and run a local instance using Java and Maven:

$ git clone
$ cd consent-manager-back
$ mvn clean package -DskipTests quarkus:dev

This could take a while as maven is going to download all dependencies but in the end you should see the server running with a message like:

[io.quarkus] (Quarkus Main Thread) consent-manager-back 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT on JVM (powered by Quarkus 2.6.2.Final) started in 5.476s. Listening on:

Web Application

Front Web Application is developed using Angular. It is also built to work with keycloak by default.

In order to run the frontend, you need to clone the github repository and to run a local instance using NodeJS, npm and angular cli:

$ git clone
$ cd consent-manager-gui
$ npm install
$ ng serve

This could take a while as maven is going to download all dependencies but in the end you should see the server running with a message like:

** Angular Live Development Server is listening on localhost:4200, open your browser on http://localhost:4200/ **

Now you can use the backoffice by visiting http://localhost:4200.


In the backend, all the configuration is located in a dedicated file:

$ nano src/main/resources/

You can change some configuration aspects like port or public url if needed. A restart is sometimes needed for some configuration parameters where some of them apply directly if started in dev mode.
More information on the configuration options can be found in the configuration reference.