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I collect personal data with an online form

On my website, I use web forms to collect personal information about my customers or prospects in order to offer better services and to strengthen relationships.

That customer information is collected directly in my CRM tools for marketing contact purposes but I do not like the integrated GDPR checkbox which is very restrictive in terms of user experience and user trust.

I would also like to improve the service with more processing activities that require user consent but without creating frustration for my customers.

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I want to increase data protection transparency with my end-users

With Right Consents, I can describe all of my processings in a way that builds trust with my end-users by ensuring an innovative experience of transparency and privacy. All defined elements are GDPR compliant and will be retained to ensure compliance with digital forensics.

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My digital graphic identity is very important

By using the Right Consent Theme editor, I can apply any existing digital graphic identity to consent forms and notification emails to avoid any misunderstanding for my end-users and to create a true spirit of trust. The graphic identity of my consent form will reinforce trust by promoting the idea that the data is not disseminated to several third parties.

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My end-users must keep control on their consent

Similar to a real ticket receipt, the generated consent receipt will allow my users to keep it in order to use the embedded QR Code at any time during the lifetime of the consent in case they change their minds.

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I’m able to refresh the consent once it expires

Using the consent record history, I will be able to retrieve the users whose consent has expired in order to start a consent renewal campaign. This will create a privileged link with my end-users around the confidentiality of data and its use by promoting my strategy of transparency in the digital economy.

If you want to learn how to collect consent from an existing HTML form, click here!