Fair&Smart was founded in 2016 around a simple ambition : develop efficient tools to promote a fair and smart use of personal data in the digital era.

What did we mean by “fair and smart” ? “Fair” means more transparency and control left to the person over his personal data. Less opacity and “walled gardens”, more respect and agency for the people. “Smart” is the right data being available at the right time to the right services. Less silos and data replication, more quality and secure data access for all organizations.

History encouraged us along the way as this “free movement of personal data” is one of the ambitions of GDPR which came into force in 2018. The 2020 European “Data Governance Act” goes one step further introducing the concept of “Data sharing services”. Consent management is one cornerstone of this personal data mobility.

We have learnt a lot in the last three years about consent and preference management, helping our B2B customers ensure their compliance while delivering the best Privacy UX to their end-users at the same time (whether customers, citizens or patients…)

We have decided today to share some of this knowledge with the community and open-source the core of our consent management platform under GPL license. Feel free to test it, use it for your own needs, contribute if you can! There is room for improvements, and it is an endless work to deliver the best experience to everyone in giving informed consents and permissions.

We are deeply convinced that this balanced and transparent approach, both privacy-friendly and business-friendly at the same time, is the only path to a digital economy which benefits to all stakeholders, respects fundamental rights and fosters innovation.

Thank you for your feedback, and enjoy!

Xavier Lefevre